Deepening Yoga Course – Fall Term

Practical approach connecting the yogic philosophy and practice to daily life

Looking to better understand familiar yoga postures or explore new postures that seem impossible?
Can relate to the yogic viewpoint but can’t get the practicality and applicability of it to your daily routine?
Finding it difficult to develop a home practice?
deepening course website inner image
This course is designed to help both yoga practitioners and teachers to develop a personal Yoga practice in all dimensions (physical, mental, spiritual).

Through a series of 12 weekly intimate and profound sessions delving into the yoga tradition, on and off the mat, we take a journey to the unknown.

Each session will explore a different topic through the practice of meditation, pranayama, and asanas (yoga postures), and a discussion on its implications on- and application to our daily life.

The framework of the course will allow us to reach and examine dimensions of the yoga practice that in regular classes we usually don’t get to. You will get practical tools to continue your exploration between the sessions and will be able to then bring questions that came up in the following session for further discussion.

Sessions Structure

Around 2 hours are allocated to experiencing the practice of meditation, pranayama, dynamic asana practice and exploration of aspects in the physical practice (exploring postures, reducing tension and effort, practicing as per current state of mind and body, etc). The remaining 50-60 minutes are allocated to a discussion that combines a dialog with yogic scriptures (e.g. yoga sutra, Upanishads, etc), insights from the physical practice, and yogic tools that can assist in dealing with the scenarios we encounter in our daily life.

Course Topics

  • Study of the self (svadhyaya), listening, and building a daily practice
  • What is Yoga? Separation vs. connection – where do we find Yoga in our daily life
  • The mechanism of the mind – how it works, what drives us, what makes us suffer
  • Yogic observation – what guides us in practice & life, tools for exploring patterns and letting them go
  • Spiritual ego – how to not lose ourselves in the path of Yoga
  • What is meditation? The essence and techniques
  • Yoga and relationships – Loving and giving, together and alone

Where, when, and how much

The course includes 12 weekly sessions, each 3 hours long.

Sessions will take place on Fridays at 11:00-14:00, on 39 Nahmani street, Tel Aviv, as of October 23, 2015.

The course costs 1400 ILS*
*Course participants are entitled to a 10% discount on studio classes during the duration of the course (October-January)


Please contact Alit to register in advance for the course, through email [email protected] or 0546377444.