

Coming Closer, Coming Home

In the past month I came home. I returned to my daily practice, allowed myself the time, was less in pursuit. Completely unconscious of it, yet with great clarity that there is a certain disconnect that needs to be reconnected,…

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I keep on falling

After a packed month, filled with wonderful doings, yet packed with stress and emotions, I’m finally getting my energies and joy back. With that pause in doing, great lessons are realized. It is sooooo easy to fall into our own…

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Heart-to-heart Sangha

There’s this saying “show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are.” I would say instead “look at your friends and discover WHERE you are”. Where you’re going, where your mind is, where your heart lies. I have…

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Aham Prema – I am Love

In preparation for YogaFest 2019 that is happening this weekend and on which I’ve been working with my partner in crime Nir Haim Shakaroff for the past 6 month, a few thoughts came to mind about LOVE. We often search…

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Melt Those Barriers Away

Instead of seeking for flow, try to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Sometimes these barriers or dams can appear to be physical, like tight hips or shoulders, other times they appear…

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Yoga Immersion Retreat Costa Rica

Yoga Immersion Retreat – Content in details

Here you can get a full description of the content of the “Self-Discovery & Transform” Yoga Immersion Retreat I’ll be leading in Costa Rica this Summer, August 3-10, 2019. For highlights, details about the location and prices, visit the main…

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Detox & Yoga Retreat – Content in details

Here you can get a full description of the content of the “Self-Discovery & Recharge” Detox & Yoga Retreat I’ll be leading in Costa Rica this Summer, July 27-August 3, 2019. For highlights, details about the location and prices, visit…

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Cleanse for the Spirit

Spring is at the door – my favorite season. Everything is lush green, sun is peeking here and there, flowers are blossoming, and the heart is smiling :). Sometimes, though, we might feel a bit restless during this transitional period….

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Connecting to the pulse of lifeg

Connecting to the Pulse of Life

Our mind works in mysterious ways. Somehow it seems that just when we need to practice the most, when we’re at the midst of a turmoil or hectic times, we avoid the mat or the meditation cushion. Maybe it’s because…

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Trapped in Time

Few days before I leave this heavenly country of Costa Rica), I suddenly feel an urgency to make sure I’m not wasting time. And since I love exploring the mind and life, I began to ponder upon the concept of…

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