Coming Home – November Sessions w/ Alit

On dismantling and construction, space and support.

You are invited to a series of sessions in which we will deepen and explore the body, consciousness and life.
We will examine the experience of dissolution and disintegration on and off the mat.
We will explore what it is, why we need it, what its value is, and how it might lead to a different type of construction…

WhatsApp Image 2022-09-20 at 17.08.18

Yoga Class

Wednesday, 02-11, 19:00-21:00
Ashtanga Intermediate Series
Early birds sign-up: 60 NIS
On the day: 70 NIS

In-depth training for teachers and experienced practitioners

Thursday, 03-11, 11:00-15:00
Our roles as supporters
Exploring the role of the teacher in the context of supporting the student on and off the mat.
The session will include a short practice, hands-on adjustments/supports in twists, balance positions, backbending and inversions. And a stimulating and practical discourse.
For more details, including an estimated schedule
Early birds sign-up: 250 NIS
On the day: 300 NIS
Training hours are recognized as Continuing Education by the Yoga Alliance.

In-depth workshops open to all

Friday ,4-11, 10:00-13:00
Practice & exploration: dismantling and re-building backbending
Discourse: the experience of dissolution and disintegration on and off the mat.

We will look at the patterns and ways we have been used to until now, we’ll break down the movement, recognize the foundations, and experiment with additional ways to access the heart and bending backwards.

Saturday, 5-11, 10:00-13:00
Led by Yotam Agam and Alit
Sound Journey – Yoga workshop – Music and Sound
An experiential journey that combines movement and sounds for the purpose of exploring the processes of disintegration and construction within us.
The power of the sound is in its ability to penetrate deep into our subconscious, to stimulate and overwhelm, and to enable a primal (visceral) sensual experience.


  • We’ll use sound to reveal the subconscious and explore patterns that arise during disintegration.
  • We’ll notice the difficulty of containing the void and the pattern of filling the space with sounds/thoughts/activities.
  • We’ll surrender to the sounds alongside a conscious and loving seeing, and notice what’s unfolding.
  • We’ll talk about all we experienced through the practice and examine the implications on our daily life.

1 workshop: 220 NIS for early-birds sign-up, 240 on the day.
2 workshops for early-birds sign-up: 400 NIS

Sign up

For registration, details and questions you can contact WhatsApp at 0546377444.
Pre-registration prices are valid until October 25, 2022.
Package of all the meetings with Alit that includes, second series practice, 2 weekend workshops and midweek training – 650 NIS
Number of seats is limited!

Cancellation Terms

Cancelation until Oct 19, full refund except for 30% registration fee.
Cancelation until Oct 25, refund of 50% of the amount paid.
As of Oct 26, there will be no refund.