Some thoughts about love and an idea for how to spend your valentine’s day

Often around such holidays celebrating love as Valentine’s day, people get super emotional and sensitive. Those who have a special person they love romantically are anxious about how much and what type of attention they should give or get. Those who are single might feel a bit lonely or start feeling so after getting that pitying look from others :). I bet we ALL know what I’m talking about.

What is it in those moments that make us feel like that when on any other day, when we’re still with the same partner, or still single, we can be the happiest bunch ever?

Could it be that our mind is playing tricks on us? Could it be that it’s simply the way we look at ourselves and others?

Could it be that it’s the way we define love?

What if we start seeking for ‘love’ within ourselves? What if we stop depending on others to feel ‘love’? What if we allow ourselves to be ‘love’?

Sounds farfetched or spiritual mumbo-jumbo? Doesn’t have to be :).
Sounds like I’m preaching against romantic love? Not really…

So what am I really trying to say here?
That maybe if we’re able to redefine love for ourselves and find it within ourselves and the universe, we could be happier, more peaceful and loving creatures. We could potentially avoid the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies us, especially during days that signify love, but actually steer us away from it.

How can we accomplish that?
Here’s a practical idea that might remind us how love feels and how we can share it with anyone and everyone we want to:

Harmony…Remember the last time you’ve witnessed such an amazing natural phenomenon or scenery that your heart missed a beat…didn’t you feel like your heart is singing? Could it be that for a tiny moment, you felt a sort of a harmony with the universe or yourself?

=>Try to experience that harmony with yourself and then share it with your loved one/s, whether it’s a partner, family member, or simply a good friend.


  • With yourself: go to your favorite peaceful spot, preferably somewhere outside, sit straight, eyes shut or open, gaze towards a specific point. For a few moments feel your body within that space that surrounds you. Start by feeling the skin and the wind brushing against it. Then, feel the space that is in front of you and try to imagine that there is no division between you and that space. You are part of that space. Then, move your attention inwards, trying to feel the most subtle vibrations running through your body. Ensure your body is still and calm and so is your mind. Feel the peaceful quality of that spot entering your heart. Smile.
  • With a loved one: sit in front of one another in a comfortable position, each placing their right hand on the center of the chest of the other and the left hand on the other person’s right hand (i.e. on the hand that is on our own chest). Close your eyes, listen to your breath, feel the other person’s breath, feel how your breathing becomes one. Body and mind are still and relaxed. Smile.
  • With few loved ones: Do the same as described above, only instead of sitting one in front of the other, sit in a circle.

Wishing us all that every day will be a celebration of love, to ourselves, each other, and the universe.
