
control over my life

Do I really control my life?

We grow up believing we can define our destiny, control our actions, thoughts and words. Yet, how often do we truly have control? How often a thought or a word comes up that we wish wouldn’t have? How often are…

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New Available Classes

New! As of now, holders of the Yoga Smile practice cards can also join Alit’s classes at Chandra Yoga Center in Tel Aviv.

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אירועי מאי

Classes, workshops & festivals in May

A collection of special classes, workshops, retreats, festivals and other cool events taking place at the end of April and throughout May. Some led by Alit while others lead by wonderful colleagues and friends.

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Living the moment

A beautiful zen story (koan) that I read recently – so simple, so true, so inspiring… “Once there was a man walking across an open field, when suddenly a tiger appeared and began to give chase. At the edge of…

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