Coming Closer, Coming Home

In the past month I came home.

I returned to my daily practice,

allowed myself the time,

was less in pursuit.

Completely unconscious of it, yet with great clarity that there is a certain disconnect that needs to be reconnected,
I prepared myself for the new year.
I started to reorganize anew.

Studies, nutritional cleansing, moving away of the daily routine, and a journey to another country.

And the last two weeks here in Greece … when time appears to be in abundance.

Getting on the mat,

practicing every morning,

became simpler every day.

Even in those mornings that maybe

for a moment,

a long practice was less desired.

Practice still took place, and usually it lasted much longer than expected or desired when I first got on the mat.

Sometimes during a vacation, it seems easier.

On the other hand, especially during vacations and when the daily routine is interrupted/changed, it is ever so easy to escape elsewhere.

In short, it’s all a matter of distractions vs. stable recognition and clear intention.

Somehow, maybe because of my birthday or the new year,

a decision arised,

new focus came into play.

That focus,
is not on what I want to achieve,
although I came here with a list of tasks related to things I want to accomplish in the coming year.

Instead, concentration on this moment was made possible.
And a clarity that the more attention is focused on everything else but ‘this moment‘, the greater the experience of missing out and void.

So unexpectedly here, far from my physical home, far from my beloveds, far from the dear students, and teaching that is invaluable.

Here and afar, I returned home.

Sometimes taking one step back, allows us to get closer into the depths of our being.

Love Love Love